How to be as popular as Justin Bieber on social media

The title of the article posted above is “How to Get People to Listen to You on Social Media”.  Tips are provided to help you be as popular as President Obama and Justin Bieber who are respectively the current and last holder of the most popular tweets. These tips seem obvious to some, but for others they might be helpful. They will be helpful to companies and brands who have someone older running their social media. People in the current generation have grown up with social media and have more easily adapted to all of the changes. Companies, brands, and even individuals can use social media to raise awareness or brand themselves. The tips are as follows:

1. Make it count

The tips are to use clever words, but be short, sweet, and to the point. What is worse than seeing a paragraph on a Facebook status? No one wants to read all of that! I can be short and do the point, but clever words are my area of improvement. Wording is the best way to grab the attention of readers and gain some retweets or comments.

2. Don’t overdo it

It is great to see people active for a cause or a brand getting out there and creating and image, but do NOT go over board and hog the twitter feed or Facebook updates. There is a limit to how much I need to know and how often I need to see it. At some point, if a brand or a person is posting every two minutes I disregard all of their posts. Not good! Do not clutter people who excessive posting.

3. Listen to your audience

Seems obvious right; especially if it is a brand trying to sell things to consumers. Know your target whether it be if you are trying to reach them to sell to them or if you are an individual trying to attract the right people to your sites for a job or business partners.

4. Analyze your results

The article states this the most clearly by saying, “By observing what works and what doesn’t work over time, you can make your outreach better suited for your audience.” This relates back to listening to your audience. Analyzing effectiveness will help you see what you are doing right and wrong.

Four short tips, but they are good tips to think about. They do not help you with how to generate ideas to post or what to post, but give basic guidelines for those posts.


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